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物品栏 | 主菜单 |
奖杯 | 1金5银5铜 |
难度 | 2/10 |
100%时间 | 1.5小时*n(n为周目数) |
最少通关次数 | 1次 |
可错过奖杯 | 7个 |
- 对话选择 “I’ve got treasure!”
- 对话选择 “I plead not guilty!”
- 对话选择 “I guess I’ll represent myself.”
- 按
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Guybrush Threepwood”
- 对话选择 “Captain Threepwood, tell me about LeChuck.”
- 和“Pox-Entraged Judge”对话
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Guybrush Threepwood”
- 对话选择 “Where were you on the night of August 15th?”
- 和“Pox-Entraged Judge”对话
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Guybrush Threepwood”
- 对话选择 “What’s your impression of the plaintiff’s case?”
跳杯: “Idiot for a Client”
- 和“Pox-Entraged Judge”对话
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Bailiff Hardtack”
- 和“Bailiff Hardtack”对话
- 对话选择 “This whole story about your X is a big fat lie, isn’t it?”
- 对话选择 “C’mon, you’re lying, admit it.”
- 对话选择 “You LIE! Liar, liar, pants en fuego!”
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择 “Your honor, I’d like to call a recess to confer with my client.”
- 和“Bailiff Hardtack”对话
- 对话选择 “I wanna see my lawyer!”
- 对话选择 “How’s my case going?”
Getting evidence
- 和“prisoner”对话
- 对话选择 “What’re you in for?”
- 对话选择 “Stop testifying against me!”
- 对话选择 “How about a glass eye?”(额,对完所有对话吧)
- 对话选择 “bye.”
- 往右走
- 和“Stan”对话
- 对话选择 “what are you selling”
- 选择“Ask about Guybrush doll.”
- 选择“Ask about t-shirt.”
- 选择“Ask about magnetic beard toy”
- 对话选择 “on second thought…”
- 对话选择 “Bye.”
- 捡起 “Beard Toy”
- 往右走
- 点击 “Club door”
- 和“Morgan LeFlay”对话
- 对话选择 “What’re you drinking?”
- 对话选择 “Bye.”
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择 “Barkeep, I’d like to order a drink!”
- 对话选择 “I’ll have a grogatini.”
- 对话选择 “Those Blood Island Volcano Shots Look tempting.”
- 和“W.P.”对话
- 对话选择 “Barkeep, I’d like to order a drink!”
- 对话选择 “I’ll have a grog.”
- 对“Skull Candle”使用“5 empty volcano shot glasses”
- 离开俱乐部(club)
- 往左走经过法院(court house)
- 对“Puddle”使用“4 empty volcano shot glasses”
- 点击 “Door”
- 对话选择 “Can you make me a glass eye?”(这里有点问题,如果没有出现“Can you make me a glass eye?”的对话选项那么经过法院往左走的时候先点击“Door“)
- 对话选择 “See ya.”
- 对“Leg-Shaped lamp”使用“Cup of Molten Glass”
- 往左走,上去到达De Singe的房子
- 对“Weird Oozing Fluid”使用“3 empty volcano shot glasses”
- 混合“Cup of mysterious Caustic Fluid” 和 “Leg Lamp with Black Blobby Burn”
- 混合“Cup of Hot Wax” 和 “Leg Lamp with Red, Parrot Shaped Burn”
- 对“Locked Cage”使用“Hook”
- 调查“Jacques the Monkey”
- 回到下面并往左走
- 对“Bowl”使用“Toy”
- 回到法院(court house)
- 和“Bailiff Hardtack”对话
- 对话选择 “I’d like to return to court to defend my client!”
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Bosun Krebbs”
- 对“Bosun Krebbs”使用“Leg Lamp with Violet, Jolly Roger Shaped Burn”
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Hemlock McGee”
- 对“Hemlock’s Cat”使用“Jacques the Electromagnetic Monkey”
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择 “I object!”
- 对“Pox-Enraged Judge”使用“Glass eye”
- 和“The Right Honorable Judge Wallace P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择 “Your honor, I’d like to call a recess to confer with my client.”
- 和“Bailiff Hardtack”对话
- 对话选择 “I wanna see my lawyer!”
- 往右走
- 对“Joaquin D’Oro”使用“”Pox of Lechuck” Glass Eye”
- 往左走
- 和“Bailiff Hardtack”对话
- 对话选择 “I’d like to return to court to defend my client!”
- 选择“Call a witness…”
- 选择“Call Joaquin D’Oro”
- 对“Joaquin D’Oro”使用“D’Oro’s Map”
跳杯: “Ayyyye, the Jury”
- 对话选择 “I plead not guilty!”
- 对话选择 “The Pox isn’t my fault!”
The Summon
- 捡起 “Scrap of Paper”
- 往右走
- 点击 “Bathroom Door”
跳杯: “Musical Memories”
- 点击 “Icky Puddle”
- 捡起 “Scrap of Paper”
- 往上走
- 捡起 “scrap of Paper”
- 再次往下走
- 和“Bosum Krebbs”对话
- 对话选择 “you’re not upset about the trial, are you?”
- 对话选择 “About your quest for vengeance…”
跳杯: “What’s in a Name?”
- 对话选择 “Tell me, did it hurt?”
- 点击 “Sack of Sugar”
- 往上走到吧台
- 对“W.P.”使用“Puzzy Nostril Recipe”
- 和“Bosum Krebbs”对话
- 对话选择 “Whatcha gonna do with all that gold?”
- 对“W.P.”使用“Tuna Colada Recipe”
- 对“Dart Board”使用“Voodoo Summons”
- 和“Bosum Krebbs”对话
- 对话选择 “Hey, beautiful…”
- 对“W.P.”使用“Scabb Island Slinge Recipe”
跳杯: “What Do You Do with a Drunken Guybrush?”
- 和“Elaine & Morgan”对话
- 对话选择 “Elaine, tuckle-bear! Morgan’s all bark and no bite!”
选择“I’d like a second to think about my next move, your honor…”
点击 “La Esponja Grande”
跳杯: “use the Source”
The Feast
- 往右走
- 和“Voodoo Lady”对话
- 对话选择 “La Esponja Granda sucks… actually, it doesn’t suck.”
- 往右走
- 和“Stan”对话
- 对话选择 “I see you’ve got some new souvenirs.”
- 选择“Ask about pin”
- 选择“Ask about LeChuck doll”
- 选择“Ask about Voodoo Lady figurine”
跳杯: “Shlock Shopper Supreme”
- 对话选择 “On second thought…”
- 对话选择 “Bye.”
- 往左走,经过法院(court house)
- 往左走到Da Singe’s的房子
- 点击 “Door”
- 点击 “Curious Helmet”
- 点击左边的按钮“Button”
- 点击 “Auto-Trepanation Helmet”
- 点击左边按钮旁边的按钮“Button”
- 点击 “Auto-Trepanation Helmet”
- 点击右边的按钮“Button”
- 点击 “Auto-Trepanation Helmet”
- 点击右边按钮旁边的按钮“Button”
跳杯: “Push ze Buttons of SCIENCE!”
- 对“Backroom”使用“Hook”
- 点击 “Exit”
- 往下走,然后往右,进入野外(jungle)
- 选择“Creepy Shack”
- 对“Moths”使用“Leg-Shaped Lamp”
- 按并选择“Yes.”
- 走左边的路
- 往北(上)走
- 对“Well”使用“Sack of Sugar”
- 对“Well”使用“Sack of Severed Legs”
- 往南(下)走
- 往东(右)走
- 对“Altar”使用“Sack of Severed Legs”
跳杯: “Guybrush Goes Classy”
- 对“Altar”使用“Sugar-dipped Severed Leg”
- 往东(右)走
- 往西(左)走
- 往西(左)走
- 往西(左)走
- 往北(上)走
- 点击 “Firefly-Illuminated Hidden Trail”
- 对“Jungle Beast”使用“Leg-shaped Lamp with Moths”
- 点击 “Lion Paw”
- 调查 “Feast for the Senses Menu”
- 点击 “Top Fold”
- 点击 “Bottom Fold”
- 点击 “Bottom Right Fold”, “Bottom Left Fold”, “Top Left Fold” 和 “Top Right Fold”,点击 circle.
- 按选择 Yes.
- 往北(上)走, 往东(右)走, 往东(右)走, 往南(下)走, 往北(上)走
- 调查“Feast for the Senses Menu”
- 点击 “Bottom Fold”
- 点击 “Bottom Left Fold” and “Bottom Right Fold”,点击 Circle.
- 往西(左)走
- 对“Locked Chest”使用“Hook”
- 按 选择 ”Yes“
- 往东(右)走 并 选择“Dock”
- 往南(下)走,往右直到你遇到“Stan”
- 使用“Leg-shaped Lamp with Moths”对“Stan”
- 和“Stan”对话
- 对话选择 “Can I take another look at your new gewgaws?”
- 选择“Ask about LeChuck doll”
- 捡起 “Remains of Stan’s Jacket”
- 往右走
- 点击 “Club Door”
- 往上走,并往右
- 点击 “Sign”
- 和“W.P.”对话
- 对话选择 “Tell me about this Fugu Jolokia Challenge…”
- 点击 “Exit”
- 往左走并前往De Singe’s的房子
- 点击 “Door”
- 点击 “Auto-Trepanation Helmet”
- 点击左边的按钮“Button”
- 点击 “Exit”
- 下去,然后往右走去Club 41.
- 往上走,并往右
- 对“Pepper”使用“Hook”
- 混合“Jacket Shreds” 和 “La Esponja Grande”
- 混合“Lion’s Paw” 和 “La Esponja Grande”
- 混合“Fugu Jolokia” 和 “La Esponja Grande”
- 混合“Tarot Cards” 和 “La Epsonja Grande”
- 走向出口
- 在“No-Longer-Red Carpet”上下来回走几次(之后会变成“Static-Charged Carpet”)
- 点击 “Exit”
- 点击 “Exit”
跳杯: “Feast for the Senses”
- 对“Vaycaylian Wind Control Device”使用“La Esponja Grande”
- 对“Bucket of Water”使用“Sack of Sugar”
- 对“De Singe”使用“Fugu Jolokia”
- 和“De Singe”对话
- 对话选择 “You’ll never get past Elaine’s sword!”
- 对“Mysterious Device”使用“La Esponja Grande”
跳杯: “Adieu, Adieu...”