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物品栏 | 主菜单 |
奖杯 | 1金5银5铜 |
难度 | 2/10 |
100%时间 | 1.5小时*n(n为周目数) |
最少通关次数 | 1次 |
可错过奖杯 | 7个 |
The Ferryman
- 点击“Dirt”
- 点击“Dirt”
- 点击“Grog Machine”
- 点击“Grog”
- 点击“Diet Grog”
- 点击“Cherry Grog”
- 点击“Grog XD”
跳杯: “Grog, Grog, Grog!”
- 点击circle.
- 往左走并往下.
- 点击“Tombstone”
- 点击“Grave”
- 点击“Weathered Tombstone”
- 点击“Polished Cenotaph”
- 点击“Gravestone”
- 点击“Faded Grave Marker”
- 点击“Cracked Tombstone”
- 点击“Filthy Gravestone”
- 点击“Headstone”
跳杯: “Grave Ribber”
- 往右走,走过机器Grog Machine.
- 对“Boat”使用“Grave Dirt”
- 点击“Tip Jar”
- 往左走
- 对“Grog Machine”使用“A whole Eight”
- 点击“Grog”
- 往右走
- 对“Boat”使用“Dirt”
- 点击“Tip Jar”
- 往左走
- 对“Grog Machine”使用“A whole Eight”
- 点击“Change Button”
- 往右走
- 对“Ferryman”使用“Two Golden Pieces of Eight”
- 和“Galeb”对话
- 对话选择“Has anyone ever returned to the living world?”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”
- 和“Treasure Hunter”对话
- 对话选择“Can you show me how the treasure hunt works.”
- 点击“Jeweled Anchor”
- 往右走
- 点击“Skull and Crossbones”
- 往左走
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Thieves’ Den”
- 往右走
- 点击“Sock”
- 往左走
- 点击"Boat"
- 选择“Gateway”
- 点击“Tip Jar”
- 往左走并往下
- 对“Dog”使用“Bone”
- 回到船那里(boat)
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”
- 混合 “LeChuck’s Crusty Sock” 和 “Franklin the Dog”
- 对“Ground full of X’s”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 回到船那里(boat)
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Crossroads Center”
- 对“Galeb”使用“LeChuck’s Crusty Sock”
- 对“Galeb”使用“A Fistful of Whole Eights”
- 回到船那里(boat)
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Thieves’ Den”
- 往右走
- 对“Thief”使用“LeChuck’s Chest”
- 和“Thief”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind…uhh… looking behind you again?”
- 对“Totally Unguarded Scrolls”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 点击任意东西
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”
- 对“Ground Full of X’s”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 点击circle.
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Crossroads Center”
- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Bottle O’ Grog”
- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Jeweled Anchor”
- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 点击“Mast”
- 点击“Ghostly Sword”
- 对“Morgan LeFlay”使用“Ghost Sword”
- 看下她说了什么,然后选择相应的回答:
-- Morgan: “My career as a pirate hunter was about as successful as my career as a marathon runner”
对话选择“You run that fast?”
-- Morgan: “It's hopeless. I can't believe I once studied under the greatest swordsman in the Caribbean.”
对话选择“He must have taught you everything you know.”
-- Morgan: “I'm useless. I can barely even lift my sword.”
对话选择“See, in some ways you ARE stronger than me!”
-- Morgan: “I died a failure. I used to dream that somebody would call me the greatest Pirate Hunter in the world.”
对话选择“I bet people say that about YOU all the time!”
-- Morgan: “Seriously, on a scale of one to ten, how terrible a person am I?”
对话选择“Negative One. If that.”
-- Morgan: “The way I wave this sword around… It’s like I’m a little boy.”
对话选择“Believe me, you’re all woman.”
- 和“Morgan LeFlay”对话
- 对话选择“Are you sure it wasn’t De Singe who killed you?”
跳杯: “Say What?”
- 对话选择“When you crossed over, did you have a “shred of life” too?”
- 对话选择“What was important to you when you were alive?”
跳杯: “Morgan’s Secret”
- 对话选择“I found a spell!”
- 对话选择“A “Sacrifice.””
- 对话选择“That’s enough, thanks.”
- 对话选择“I still need some kind of sacrifice.”
跳杯: “All Roads Lead to LeChuck”
- 对话选择“You won’t get away with this LeChuck!”
- 对话选择“So you admit, I am better than you!”
- 对话选择“The Voodoo Lady told me about the sponge.”
- 点击“Enchanted Cutlass of Kaflu”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Gateway”
- 走下去
- 点击“Rip”
- 点击“Ocean”
- 往右走,进入洞穴(cave)
- 对话选择“Can I get you to come out?”
- 对话选择“You and Winslow are… you AND Winslow?”
- 对话选择“Would you come out for Winslow?”
- 对话选择“I’ll be back later.”
- 往左走,点击“Exit”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Anemone could use a sign of affection.”
- 对话选择“That’s all for now, Mr. Winslow.”
- 点击“Ocean”
- 往右走,进入洞穴(cave)
- 对话选择“Winslow dropped a note down to you!”
- 点击“Clam”
- 当挂坠“Locket” 在 “Clam”上方时,走开
- 对“Voodoo Locket”使用“Spirit Photo”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind pushing the button on that locket?”
- 对话选择“I surrender!”
- 点击“Loose Brick”
- 等待
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 对话选择“Guleb told me I could.”
- 对话选择“Well, he didn’t fool me!”
- 对话选择“You mean the Cutlass of Kaflu?”
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“Bugeye”对话
- 对话选择“How did you get out of the Manatee?”
- 对话选择“You slipped out of the tongue.”
- 对话选择“Rode a mer-person to Flotsam?”
- 选择“Stinky – Tweaking – Meanie” Go!
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Gateway”
- 往左走,往下
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind pressing the button again?”
- 对话选择“I surrender!”
- 点击“Gum Stalactite”
- 点击“Wades of Chewed Gum” 9次, 确保你得到9个不同的味道(flavours)!
- 点击“Mug”
- 点击“Pin Up Pirate Poster”
- 等待
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“W.P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择“BOOOO!!! I’m a scaaaary ghost!”
- 选择“Stinky – Fisheye – Meanie” Go!
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 点击“Gateway”
- 往左走,往下
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind pressing the button again?”
- 对话选择“I surrender!”
- 对“Wads of Chewed Gum”使用“Root Beer”
跳杯: “The Violet Beauregard Memorial Trophy”
跳杯: “I Ain't Got No Body”
- 点击“Escape Tunnel”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Gateway”
- 往左走
- 和“Galeb”对话
- 对话选择“Can you help me reverse this spell?”
- 往下走
- 点击“Rip”
- 捡起“Old Brute Deodorant”
- 点击“Ocean”
- 捡起“Fishnet”
- 点击“Exit”
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”
- 点击“Ground Full of X’s”
- 往右走
- 对“Tiny Pyrite Parrots”使用“Fine Mesh Fishnet”
- 混合 “Tiny Pyrite Parrots” 和 “Tip Jar”
- 点击“Rip”
- 对话选择“Goodbye.”
- 捡起“Dead Seagull Feather”
- 对“Treasure Chest”使用“Hook”
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Thieves’ Den”
- 对“Thief”使用“LeChuck’s Charming Belt Buckle”
- 点击"Mystery Box"
- 点击“Secret”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 点击“Rip”
- 点击“Barrel of Yellowish Liquid”
- 点击“Barrel of Bannag” 重复8次
跳杯 “Dance, Monkey, Dance!”
- 往右走
- 捡起“Blindfold”
- 和“W.P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择“I surrender! Take me to jail!”
- 点击“Entirely Flavorless Gum Stalactite”
- 点击“Escape Tunnel”
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Crossroads Center”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Well-Used Gum”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Club 41 Blindfold”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Secret”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Dead Seagull Feather”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Jar of Tiny Pyrite Parrots”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Old Brute Deodorant”
跳杯: “Does This Corpse Make Me Look Fat?”
- 对“Mainsail”使用“Hook”
- 和“Elaine”对话
- 对话选择“Attack LeChuck!”
- 等待
- 点击“Ring of Keys”(没拿到的话就等boss跳上去撸你下来再依照攻略进行,记得先让Elaine“Attack LeChuck”)
- 等待
- 等待
- 对“Locked Gate”使用“Ring of Keys”
- 等待
- 点击“Broken Door”
- 点击“Loose Barrel”
- 等待
- 对“Rope”使用“Hook”
- 等待
- 和“Elaine”对话
- 对话选择“Light the cannon!”
- 点击“Broken Door”
- 对“Rip”使用“Shred of Life”
跳杯: “Fall of the Pirate God”
- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Elaine’s Ring”
- 对话选择“That’s my plunder bunny!”
- 观看致谢名单
跳杯: “A Credit to Pirates Everywhere”