PS3《猴岛传说 | Tales of Monkey Island》奖杯攻略(翻译版) 第五章

微博   微信 2017-04-04 10:02编辑     50评论





The Ferryman
- 点击“Dirt”
- 点击“Dirt”
- 点击“Grog Machine”
- 点击“Grog”
- 点击“Diet Grog”
- 点击“Cherry Grog”
- 点击“Grog XD”
跳杯: “Grog, Grog, Grog!”
Grog, Grog, Grog!
Used a dollar bill to try to buy every drink in the Grog Machine

- 点击circle.
- 往左走并往下.
- 点击“Tombstone”
- 点击“Grave”
- 点击“Weathered Tombstone”
- 点击“Polished Cenotaph”
- 点击“Gravestone”
- 点击“Faded Grave Marker”
- 点击“Cracked Tombstone”
- 点击“Filthy Gravestone”
- 点击“Headstone”
跳杯: “Grave Ribber”
Grave Ribber

- 往右走,走过机器Grog Machine.
- 对“Boat”使用“Grave Dirt”
- 点击“Tip Jar”
- 往左走
- 对“Grog Machine”使用“A whole Eight”
- 点击“Grog”
- 往右走
- 对“Boat”使用“Dirt”
- 点击“Tip Jar”
- 往左走
- 对“Grog Machine”使用“A whole Eight”
- 点击“Change Button”
- 往右走
- 对“Ferryman”使用“Two Golden Pieces of Eight”

- 和“Galeb”对话
- 对话选择“Has anyone ever returned to the living world?”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”
- 和“Treasure Hunter”对话
- 对话选择“Can you show me how the treasure hunt works.”
- 点击“Jeweled Anchor”
- 往右走
- 点击“Skull and Crossbones”
- 往左走
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Thieves’ Den”

- 往右走
- 点击“Sock”
- 往左走
- 点击"Boat"
- 选择“Gateway”
- 点击“Tip Jar”
- 往左走并往下
- 对“Dog”使用“Bone”
- 回到船那里(boat)
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”

- 混合 “LeChuck’s Crusty Sock” 和 “Franklin the Dog”
- 对“Ground full of X’s”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 回到船那里(boat)
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Crossroads Center”

- 对“Galeb”使用“LeChuck’s Crusty Sock”
- 对“Galeb”使用“A Fistful of Whole Eights”
- 回到船那里(boat)
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Thieves’ Den”

- 往右走
- 对“Thief”使用“LeChuck’s Chest”
- 和“Thief”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind…uhh… looking behind you again?”
- 对“Totally Unguarded Scrolls”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 点击任意东西
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”

- 对“Ground Full of X’s”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 点击circle.
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Crossroads Center”

- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Bottle O’ Grog”
- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Jeweled Anchor”
- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Franklin the Dog”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”

- 点击“Mast”
- 点击“Ghostly Sword”
- 对“Morgan LeFlay”使用“Ghost Sword”
- 看下她说了什么,然后选择相应的回答:
-- Morgan: “My career as a pirate hunter was about as successful as my career as a marathon runner”
对话选择“You run that fast?”
-- Morgan: “It's hopeless. I can't believe I once studied under the greatest swordsman in the Caribbean.”
对话选择“He must have taught you everything you know.”
-- Morgan: “I'm useless. I can barely even lift my sword.”
对话选择“See, in some ways you ARE stronger than me!”
-- Morgan: “I died a failure. I used to dream that somebody would call me the greatest Pirate Hunter in the world.”
对话选择“I bet people say that about YOU all the time!”
-- Morgan: “Seriously, on a scale of one to ten, how terrible a person am I?”
对话选择“Negative One. If that.”
-- Morgan: “The way I wave this sword around… It’s like I’m a little boy.”
对话选择“Believe me, you’re all woman.”

- 和“Morgan LeFlay”对话
- 对话选择“Are you sure it wasn’t De Singe who killed you?”
跳杯: “Say What?”
Say What?
Discovered Morgan's Dying Words

- 对话选择“When you crossed over, did you have a “shred of life” too?”
- 对话选择“What was important to you when you were alive?”
跳杯: “Morgan’s Secret”
Morgan's Secret
Found out what Morgan treasures above all else

- 对话选择“I found a spell!”
- 对话选择“A “Sacrifice.””
- 对话选择“That’s enough, thanks.”
- 对话选择“I still need some kind of sacrifice.”
跳杯: “All Roads Lead to LeChuck”
All Roads Lead to LeChuck
Opened the Crossroads

- 对话选择“You won’t get away with this LeChuck!”
- 对话选择“So you admit, I am better than you!”
- 对话选择“The Voodoo Lady told me about the sponge.”
- 点击“Enchanted Cutlass of Kaflu”

- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Gateway”
- 走下去
- 点击“Rip”
- 点击“Ocean”
- 往右走,进入洞穴(cave)
- 对话选择“Can I get you to come out?”
- 对话选择“You and Winslow are… you AND Winslow?”
- 对话选择“Would you come out for Winslow?”
- 对话选择“I’ll be back later.”
- 往左走,点击“Exit”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Anemone could use a sign of affection.”
- 对话选择“That’s all for now, Mr. Winslow.”
- 点击“Ocean”
- 往右走,进入洞穴(cave)
- 对话选择“Winslow dropped a note down to you!”
- 点击“Clam”
- 当挂坠“Locket” 在 “Clam”上方时,走开
- 对“Voodoo Locket”使用“Spirit Photo”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind pushing the button on that locket?”
- 对话选择“I surrender!”
- 点击“Loose Brick”
- 等待
- 点击“Rip”

- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 对话选择“Guleb told me I could.”
- 对话选择“Well, he didn’t fool me!”
- 对话选择“You mean the Cutlass of Kaflu?”
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“Bugeye”对话
- 对话选择“How did you get out of the Manatee?”
- 对话选择“You slipped out of the tongue.”
- 对话选择“Rode a mer-person to Flotsam?”
- 选择“Stinky – Tweaking – Meanie” Go!
- 点击“Rip”

- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Gateway”
- 往左走,往下
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind pressing the button again?”
- 对话选择“I surrender!”
- 点击“Gum Stalactite”
- 点击“Wades of Chewed Gum” 9次, 确保你得到9个不同的味道(flavours)!
- 点击“Mug”
- 点击“Pin Up Pirate Poster”
- 等待
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 点击“Rip”

- 和“W.P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择“BOOOO!!! I’m a scaaaary ghost!”
- 选择“Stinky – Fisheye – Meanie” Go!
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 点击“Gateway”
- 往左走,往下
- 点击“Rip”
- 和“Winslow”对话
- 对话选择“Would you mind pressing the button again?”
- 对话选择“I surrender!”
- 对“Wads of Chewed Gum”使用“Root Beer”
跳杯: “The Violet Beauregard Memorial Trophy”

跳杯: “I Ain't Got No Body”
I Ain't Got No Body
Bound Guybrush's spirit to his body

- 点击“Escape Tunnel”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Gateway”
- 往左走
- 和“Galeb”对话
- 对话选择“Can you help me reverse this spell?”
- 往下走
- 点击“Rip”
- 捡起“Old Brute Deodorant”
- 点击“Ocean”
- 捡起“Fishnet”
- 点击“Exit”
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Treasure Hunt”
- 点击“Ground Full of X’s”
- 往右走
- 对“Tiny Pyrite Parrots”使用“Fine Mesh Fishnet”
- 混合 “Tiny Pyrite Parrots” 和 “Tip Jar”
- 点击“Rip”
- 对话选择“Goodbye.”
- 捡起“Dead Seagull Feather”
- 对“Treasure Chest”使用“Hook”
- 点击“Rip”

- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Thieves’ Den”
- 对“Thief”使用“LeChuck’s Charming Belt Buckle”
- 点击"Mystery Box"
- 点击“Secret”
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Swordfight”
- 点击“Rip”
- 点击“Barrel of Yellowish Liquid”
- 点击“Barrel of Bannag” 重复8次
跳杯 “Dance, Monkey, Dance!”
Dance, Monkey, Dance!
Did the dance of the hybrid fruit

- 往右走
- 捡起“Blindfold”
- 和“W.P. Grindstump”对话
- 对话选择“I surrender! Take me to jail!”
- 点击“Entirely Flavorless Gum Stalactite”
- 点击“Escape Tunnel”
- 点击“Rip”
- 回到船那里
- 点击“Boat”
- 选择“Crossroads Center”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Well-Used Gum”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Club 41 Blindfold”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Secret”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Dead Seagull Feather”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Jar of Tiny Pyrite Parrots”
- 对“La Esponja Grande”使用“Old Brute Deodorant”
跳杯: “Does This Corpse Make Me Look Fat?”
Does This Corpse Make Me Look Fat?
Completed the Diet of the Senses

- 对“Mainsail”使用“Hook”
- 和“Elaine”对话
- 对话选择“Attack LeChuck!”
- 等待
- 点击“Ring of Keys”(没拿到的话就等boss跳上去撸你下来再依照攻略进行,记得先让Elaine“Attack LeChuck”)
- 等待
- 等待
- 对“Locked Gate”使用“Ring of Keys”
- 等待
- 点击“Broken Door”
- 点击“Loose Barrel”
- 等待
- 对“Rope”使用“Hook”
- 等待
- 和“Elaine”对话
- 对话选择“Light the cannon!”
- 点击“Broken Door”
- 对“Rip”使用“Shred of Life”
跳杯: “Fall of the Pirate God”

- 对“Crossroads Center”使用“Elaine’s Ring”
- 对话选择“That’s my plunder bunny!”
- 观看致谢名单
跳杯: “A Credit to Pirates Everywhere”
A Credit to Pirates Everywhere
Witnessed Morgan's Final Fate

@zichuan 终于发布了 各种感谢 回到未来式的攻略 太给力了 下个月开坑
acg_connarlei 2014-04-25 18:16
@acg_connarlei 多谢支持,发攻略好累,一点一点来
zichuan 2014-04-25 18:25
jackyfeng 2014-04-25 20:34
yx0228 2014-04-26 12:03
@zichuan 亲 还是你打过之后再填攻略吧 容易错过的太多太多啦
acg_connarlei 2014-04-26 12:04
@acg_connarlei 我也是这么想的……先翻译过来,下周回去一边打一边矫正,打的时候最好也多存存档……我就打了1.5周目……坑爹
zichuan 2014-04-26 12:08修改
@zichuan 侏罗纪公园那个是主菜啊 我用小号玩了 相当不错 代入感很强 画面也不错
acg_connarlei 2014-04-26 12:25
ld_kayi 2014-04-27 12:24
@ld_kayi 是没错,只是怕一些地方我翻译的不是很清楚
zichuan 2014-04-27 16:32
ld_kayi 2014-04-27 17:39
@zichuan 我靠 这么快都打完啦
acg_connarlei 2014-04-27 18:05
@zichuan 哥 那些东南西北 让一些不分东南西北的人情何以堪啊 哈 麻烦你最后整理的时候 用上下左右表示吧 3Q
acg_connarlei 2014-04-27 18:06
非常感谢 五部已经完美了, 楼主翻的攻略没什么大问题。 就是第三章末尾 母海豹Manatee的问题不是太详细 这是我其他地方找到的~
Q. All of you male manatees are imbeciles. Why do I even bother?
A. Hotels and Restaurants - The television does not work.

Q. I can't stand you insecure males! I don't want anyone with a lot of baggage.
A. Money and Customs - I have nothing to declare.

Q. I'm not going to let some lummox buy my love with clever words.
A. Money and Customs - How much is it?
A. Money and Customs - Do you accept traveler's cheques?

Q. Let's say I let you keep your pathetic life and I take a swim with you, where will we go?
A. Getting Around - I'd like to visit the aquarium.

Q. This mating ground is as dead as my victims. You males are a bunch of cold fish.
A. Hotels and Restaurants - I prefer it hot and spicy.

Q. Watch where you swim. Nobody knows the way to my heart.
A. Getting Around - Do you have a map?

Q. What are you, a glutton for punishment? Haven't you had enough?
A. Courtesy - Please repeat that.

Q. Why should I give you the time of day?
A. Emergencies - I've lost my watch.

Q. You dare to disturb me? Would you like me to dye the ocean depths with your blood?
A. Emergencies - Is that blood or ketchup?

Q. You know what I'll say after I devour your bloody heart!?
A. Hotels and Restaurants - The meal was excellent.

Q. You think you're clever, don't you? You should know that I detest know-it-alls.
A. Courtesy - I'm sorry, I don't understand.

Q. You think your words can sway me. What will you say when I rip off your head for my collection?
A. Emergencies - Stop, thief!
A. Emergencies - I've been kidnapped.

Q. You're not nervous, are you?
A. Emergencies - Where is the bathroom?
hahapshaha 2014-04-29 16:44
zichuan 2014-05-07 22:15修改
@zichuan 大赞啊 明天我开始搞这个 这个月的奖杯债有点背不起啦 下个翻译侏罗纪公园吧 那个神作啊
acg_connarlei 2014-05-07 22:11
@acg_connarlei 那个不能看视频过么,我看了攻略,略长,而且只有第一章有两个遗漏杯,其他都没遗漏的
zichuan 2014-05-07 22:16
@zichuan 我开坑啦 侏罗纪说下容易错过的奖杯 搞完这个就开始侏罗纪了 话说时间与永远 是那个RPG么 貌似出了好久好久了 开始挺关注 一看评测掉帧啊 视角问题啊 就没敢开 很坑么?
acg_connarlei 2014-05-27 17:15
yx0228 2014-05-27 17:38
@yx0228 遗漏杯比较烦,不过游戏里对话还是比较幽默的
zichuan 2014-05-28 03:17
journey32 2014-05-28 08:33
bigboss9527 2014-05-28 08:50
告诉Merleader “I need to find La Esponja Grande\"
- 回到码头,经过你的船有个“No Fishing”的牌子,使用手工制品(artifact on the ocean)
- 当Winslow问你“ready?”,选“yes”
- 过场完对完所有对话

以上这段 在最后过了牌子 对着海里使用 黄色的铜像
acg_connarlei 2014-05-28 20:37
这里攻略2b了,顺序是Altar > 蜜蜂 > 猴子 > 往北(上)> 看到许愿井使用花盆> 往右 > 蜜蜂(往左) > 往南(下) > 看到calendar,逆时针绕着走,直到所有颜色闪一遍(貌似屏幕会一震)> 往北(上)。蜜蜂猴子是走近以后会听到声音,不过我始终听不出来蜜蜂在哪……走错走对很容易判断,如果切换场景,有一声清脆的声音,就是走对了,有低沉的声音就是走错了。回去换条路走就好。
- 过场

这段 在祭坛那里使用地图后 然后调查风向标 风向标指向哪就往哪走 到了轮盘那里 顺着轮盘往左绕着轮盘走 一直有震动 再按照风向标指的方向就能走对了
acg_connarlei 2014-05-29 14:24
第三章的“There is a Brotherhood of Jerks”杯拿不到
stephenls1984 2014-06-18 20:51
tgfcer0116 2014-06-18 23:10
@stephenls1984 @tgfcer0116 是那个小游戏没有赢么?
zichuan 2014-06-19 02:39
@zichuan 支持,厉害,我和你一样,一个攻略要分好几次才能翻译完。
ltiyuki 2014-06-19 08:44
linky_manutd 2014-06-19 08:55
@stephenls1984 请严格按照攻略的打法。另外,跳杯的顺序也应该是攻略里的顺序跳,这里的话,必须最后才赢小游戏,之所以前面故意输掉就是为了拿另一个奖杯。
zichuan 2014-06-21 03:23
第五章的Root Beer 是什么
nerereids 2015-06-28 18:49
@nerereids @nerereids 。。我原来有布没做 发呆游戏直接跳过了
nerereids 2015-06-28 19:31
zichuan 2015-06-28 19:35
lolling_chris 2015-06-29 09:16
- Talk to “Moose”
- Say "What's with the funnel?"
- Say “I propose a toast! It’s a special occasion!”
- Say anything

- 和 “Moose”对话
- 选择对话 “I propose a toast! It’s a special occasion!”
- 对话任意
ccrah 2015-07-18 17:27
blakexie 2016-04-10 06:40
@blakexie 估计是附身女巫问医生拿书那里没完成
oxjco 2016-04-10 10:58
@zichuan 感謝樓主花時間做中文攻略,僅以些許銅錢聊表心意。
目前玩了兩章,感覺比 Sam & Max 還逗趣。
tw-rong 2016-04-12 19:35
@tw-rong 感谢支持,能帮到别人真是太好了
zichuan 2016-04-12 20:09
@zichuan  Bats Right, Throws Lame 这个炸弹奖杯拿不到 能否 详细讲解下
用炸弹仍船长一次 在点燃炸弹 仍船长一次 仍内裤里炸船长一次 仍了鹦鹉一次 奖杯未获得
重复3次 都没获得
heleisnk 2016-04-23 11:25
@heleisnk 原文:
- Throw a normal mini-bomb at the Captain Winslow
- Throw a burning mini-bomb at the Captain Winslow
- Throw the Pyrite Parrot at the ancient portal behind the manatee head highlight it by pressing until you see the "portal text"

- 用正常炸弹扔船长
- 用燃烧的炸弹扔船长
- 把鹦鹉(Parrot)扔到古代传送门(Portal),攻略正文也写了「- 对Ancient Portal使用包裹里的鹦鹉parrot(3/3)」
zichuan 2016-04-23 11:36
@zichuan  把鹦鹉(Parrot)扔到古代传送门(Portal)这个传送门肯定是那个拿掉水晶鼻子的们吧
获得一个面具 们上就有可窟窿 然后把鹦鹉仍进去 我已经重复4次了 还是不跳
- 用燃烧的炸弹扔船长
- 把鹦鹉(Parrot)扔到古代传送门(Portal), 就是按照这个 没点燃的炸弹仍船长 点燃的炸弹仍船长 然后把鹦鹉仍到传送门里面
heleisnk 2016-04-23 11:42
@zichuan 是我搞错了·我以为仍进中间的们里面·已经搞定了
heleisnk 2016-04-23 11:45
@heleisnk 哦了,拿到杯就好
zichuan 2016-04-23 11:46
@zichuan Is That a Pox On Your Face, Or Are You Just Angry To See Me? 吹瓶人的奖杯如何获得?
- 回到船上,再次发射火炮
- 回到吹瓶人店外,捡起glass breaker horn,离开这个区域(去野外即可)
- 回到码头吹瓶人那里,和他对话,问business怎么样(4/4)
heleisnk 2016-04-23 14:09
@heleisnk 前面还有,- 跟他对完所有对话,他会对你发火两次(1&2/4),期间获得道具Eye of the Manitee
zichuan 2016-04-23 16:15
第四章 最后那个银杯前面,- 在“Static-Charged Carpet”上下来回走几次
这个Static-Charged Carpet没找到 门口是个no red Carpet啊
ranifloud 2017-04-03 13:16
@ranifloud 看了下,确实是No-Longer-Red Carpet,来回走几次之后才变成Static-Charged Carpet
zichuan 2017-04-04 10:01
@zichuan 多谢攻略,已经100%了
ranifloud 2017-04-04 10:55
@ranifloud 恭喜100%
zichuan 2017-04-04 11:12修改
mastman429 2018-07-16 13:27修改