Beautiful Death
Equip every weapon and equipment slot with at least a level 30 legendary weapon or equipment
Equip every weapon and equipment slot with at least a level 30 legendary weapon or equipment
By the Power of Weird Alien Artifacts, I Have the Power!
Insert 12 maximum level cores into a legendary quality weapon
Insert 12 maximum level cores into a legendary quality weapon
This Trophy Is Much Easier than it Looks
Equip weapons and equipment of at least level 30 in every slot, and fully socket them with maximum level cores.
Equip weapons and equipment of at least level 30 in every slot, and fully socket them with maximum level cores.
Done and Done
Complete 20 assignments with one character
Complete 20 assignments with one character
后期可在刷ufo任务时接杀flamer,ghost,stalker,overseer之类ufo任务大量有的怪。注意不要用shoot at enemy 触发攻击型特技的武器杀,特技如闪电链,掉手雷杀死的不算。因此除利手的传奇特技武器,准备一把无特技枪完成任务,可和eventful奖杯一起解
Complete 100 challenge and/or hitman events with one character
Complete 100 challenge and/or hitman events with one character
任务the one who knock the door,任务区域较小,适合刷小boss刺杀,圆环的地图挑战和据点清除任务,同时有大量狙击手,隐身怪和大虫子,可完成unx线上挑战