完成度 24/43 | 5月19日首个杯 | 7月30日最后杯 | 2.4个月总耗时 |
#1 Joy and Prosperity (欢迎来到幸福的牢国都市帕诺普堤冈) 2 Tips Earn all trophies.获得所有的奖杯
5.00% 极为珍贵 | ||
#21 DIY Demon (最强的DIY) Upgrade a weapon to Level 10.任意武器强化至等级10
5.60% 非常珍贵 | ||
#34 Dionaea Slayer (Dionaea Slayer) Defeat a Dionaea-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.在離線狀態下打倒迪歐內,且未曾力竭倒下。
6.60% 非常珍贵 | ||
#31 Volunteer of the Year (Volunteer of the Year) Successfully complete every discretionary operation.完成所有任意參加的志願服務。
6.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#35 Pelta Pelter (Pelta Pelter) Defeat a Peltatum- or Oltatum-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.在離線狀態下打倒貝爾塔多爾姆或歐爾塔多爾姆,且未曾力竭倒下。
7.10% 非常珍贵 | ||
#12 Only 500,000 Years to Go... (刑期达到50万年) Reduce your sentence to 500,000 years or below.剩余刑期降为50万年
7.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#13 Towards the Great Transformation (一切都是为了『变革』) Take all four paths offered by Simeon.体验过西蒙所说的四条路
8.00% 非常珍贵 | ||
#26 Just Desserts (只是甜点) Try every variety of ice cream.品尝到所有种类的冰淇淋
8.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#40 For the Greater Good! (For the Greater Good!) Successfully complete 15 special operations.達成特殊志願服務達15次以上。
9.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#43 Marathorn Man (Marathorn Man) 1 Tips Use your Thorn to cover a distance of 26 miles (42 km).用荊棘移動的距離累積超過42.195km。
9.80% 非常珍贵 | ||
#11 Only 800,000 Years to Go... (刑期达到80万年) Reduce your sentence to 800,000 years or below.剩余刑期降为80万年
10.60% 非常珍贵 | ||
#37 Constant Comrade (Constant Comrade) Complete 15 operations while collaborating with other players.與其他玩者協力達成志願服務達15次以上。
12.20% 非常珍贵 | ||
#23 Natural Thorn Killer (与荆棘同在) Claim all Thorn-related entitlements.解放所有与荆棘管制相关的权利
13.50% 非常珍贵 | ||
#9 CODE 8 Clearance (取得第八位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 8 CODE Clearance.通过第八情报位阶权限考试,取得第八位情报位阶权限
15.40% 珍贵 | ||
#10 Only 900,000 Years to Go... (刑期达到90万年) Reduce your sentence to 900,000 years or below.剩余刑期降为90万年
16.50% 珍贵 | ||
#24 Antisocial Networking (新的伙伴) Exchange rap sheets with a fellow sinner.第一次收到伙伴卡片。
17.60% 珍贵 | ||
#22 Fashion Accessory (投注于附属终端的心意) Give your Accessory a makeover, then visit the lobby area.自订附属终端的外观后,进入视觉大厅
20.40% 珍贵 | ||
#8 CODE 7 Clearance (取得第七位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 7 CODE Clearance.通过第七情报位阶权限考试,取得第七位情报位阶权限
07-30 20:42 |
22.30% 珍贵 | |
#39 The Only One for Me (The Only One for Me) Successfully complete an Accessory Reclamation operation.達成奪回附屬終端志願服務。
25.40% 珍贵 | ||
#33 Paradoxa Boxer (Paradoxa Boxer) Defeat a Paradoxa-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.在離線狀態下打倒奇異多克薩,且未曾力竭倒下。
07-22 06:21 |
26.90% 珍贵 | |
#7 CODE 6 Clearance (取得第六位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 6 CODE Clearance.通过第六情报位阶权限考试,取得第六位情报位阶权限
07-22 06:23 |
27.60% 珍贵 | |
#14 Sense of Entitlement (自压抑中解放) Claim over 101 entitlements.解放的权利超过101项
07-27 21:07 |
28.00% 珍贵 | |
#41 Trigger-Happy (Trigger-Happy) Fire over 9,999 rounds of ammunition.消耗彈藥達9999發以上。
29.70% 珍贵 | ||
#19 Augmented Reality (增强器工厂自给生产者) Complete your first augmentation facility production cycle.第一次在增强器工厂生产增强器
06-05 08:42 |
30.10% 珍贵 | |
#27 No Man Left Behind (不抛下伙伴) Come to the aid of a fallen comrade ten times.在志愿服务中救助倒下的同伴10次以上
06-11 06:15 |
31.00% 珍贵 | |
#38 I Want You Back (I Want You Back) Have your Accessory seized by an enemy Abductor.自己的附屬終端遭到掠奪。
06-16 05:47 |
31.60% 珍贵 | |
#6 CODE 5 Clearance (取得第四位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 5 CODE Clearance.通过第五情报位阶权限考试,取得第五位情报位阶权限
06-05 09:13 |
32.00% 珍贵 | |
#29 The Great Divide (The Great Divide) Sever five or more Abductor components in a single operation.在一次志願服務中,以熔斷方式破壞掠奪者部位達5次以上。
07-21 06:35 |
34.30% 珍贵 | |
#25 Retail Therapy (犒赏自己) Make your first item purchase using Entitlement Points.第一次利用特赦点数购买物品
07-23 06:24 |
35.40% 珍贵 | |
#17 Munitions Magician (辅助武装工厂自给生产者) Complete your first munitions facility production cycle.第一次在辅助武装工厂生产战斗用道具
05-23 05:33 |
35.50% 珍贵 | |
#5 CODE 4 Clearance (取得第四位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 4 CODE Clearance.通过第四情报位阶权限考试,取得第四位情报位阶权限
06-03 06:24 |
36.10% 珍贵 | |
#18 Pharma Farmer (医疗补给工厂自给生产者) Complete your first medical facility production cycle.第一次在医疗补给工厂生产医疗用道具
05-23 05:15 |
37.10% 珍贵 | |
#32 Ramosa Disposer (Ramosa Disposer) Defeat a Ramosa-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.在離線狀態下打倒虎神,且未曾力竭倒下。
05-28 03:46 |
37.40% 珍贵 | |
#30 Scrap Merchant (Scrap Merchant) Harvest fifty different types of resource from destroyed Abductors.回收破壞的掠奪者部位,獲得超過50種資源。
05-29 06:17 |
39.20% 珍贵 | |
#20 Master-at-Arms (武器工厂自给生产者) Complete your first weapons facility production cycle.第一次在武器工厂生产武器
06-10 21:51 |
40.30% 珍贵 | |
#4 CODE 3 Clearance (取得第三位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 3 CODE Clearance.通过第三情报位阶权限考试,取得第三位情报位阶权限
05-28 06:05 |
42.90% 珍贵 | |
#16 The Walls Have Eyes (隔墙有眼) Violate the People's Charter ten times.进行过10次违规行为
05-23 05:06 |
52.30% 一般 | |
#3 CODE 2 Clearance (取得第二位情报位阶权限) Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 2 CODE Clearance.通过第二情报位阶权限考试,取得第二位情报位阶权限
05-21 21:47 |
61.00% 一般 | |
#28 Severance Package (Severance Package) Sever an Abductor component.進行熔斷,第一次破壞掠奪者的部位
05-19 12:28 |
61.00% 一般 | |
#36 Citizen's Friend (Citizen's Friend) Transport a citizen to a Resource Reclamation Unit during operation CT1-3 Dawn - Citizen Reclamation or later.在「市1-3號嚆矢作戰:奪回市民」後的志願服務中,第一次把市民搬運至護送機。
05-19 12:45 |
67.90% 一般 | |
#2 First Step to Freedom (迈向自由的第一步) Claim your first entitlement.第一次进行解放权利申请
05-19 12:32 |
71.30% 一般 | |
#42 Butterfingers (Butterfingers) Accidentally drop a citizen while carrying them to an RRU.在搬運中不慎讓市民摔落。
05-19 12:29 |
73.30% 一般 | |
#15 Menace to Society (社会不适应者) Earn your first punishment for violating the People's Charter.初次违规,刑期加重
05-19 11:45 |
89.70% 一般 |